Calm Your Mind

A workshop to help you manage your thoughts, reduce feelings of anxiety and overwhelm and feel more at ease and mentally calmer in just a few simple steps!

Just £75

I know how often you get lost in your thoughts, feeling worlds away from the family life that’s right in front of you because you wish the past could be different, and you worry about what the future holds.

But it is making you miserable, irritable and on edge!

Yes worry, doubt and apprehension can be part and parcel of life, but when it is impacting you each and every day and you wake up anxious, you are snappy and wound up during the day and struggle to get to sleep at night despite the emotional exhaustion, then it has turned to chronic anxiety!

The pressures of motherhood and life have been steadily mounting for you and the weight on your shoulders, the chaos in your mind and being constantly tied up in knots is taking it’s toll!

It’s not ok!

And it’s certainly not sustainable.

So do something about it now before you hit mental and emotional burnt out (if you’re not there already)

Outwardly you may seem to be coping with it all to others, but internally it is a very different story. You don’t feel yourself, you are wish you could just switch off and as for ever relaxing - it just doesn’t happen! Switching off and relaxing just gives you more time to focus on your thoughts and they feel too overwhelming to deal with.

So you keep yourself busy to help “quiet” your mind. But you can’t do that forever!

Watch the workshop today and master your thoughts to change how you feel!

For just £75

That’s why I have created this very special workshop for those of you feeling mentally overwhelmed and emotionally maxed out!

This workshop is for you if you:

  • Feel like what you think and feel is a complicated mess and want to feel more in control of it all

  • Want to go from feeling stressed out, maxed out and on edge to more at ease and mentally calmer

  • Just want to feel more on top of things and not overrun with emotion and worry 24/7

Watch this workshop at your own pace and come back to time and time again when you need help to unpick any difficult thoughts or feelings that will help you put things in perspective, feel more in control of your thoughts and reduce those feelings of overwhelm and worry.

For just £75